Here is a video not to be neglected, because it challenges our conscience and asks us to rethink our understanding of the Scriptures that crosses us but that we apprehend with prejudices, which keep us in total ignorance.

 A very simple response has been released below to allow us to recapture ourselves and make the right decisions for our release from the clutches of the Prince of Darkness and death.

 A frank Dialogue between soul and mind. How to find the door that leads to salvation.

O mind, listen to the one petition I place before you.

Life after life I have been your slave, and you my master. You are called the lord of the three worlds and the three gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are your slaves.

You rule over rishis and munis, the celibate and the virtuous are within your domain.

Gods, humans and yogis are under your control, no one dares act in defiance of your commands. You can trap anyone you want in this world and set them free whenever you like.

To get an idea of what has just been said above, episodes of an extraordinary beauty and full of significance of a film titled (Greenleaf) showing on Netflix, highlighting what is actually happening in our religious approaches. The intrigues and pitfalls that await us when we take ourselves as human beings doing a spiritual experience rather than the opposite.

Having heard all this praise about you, I feel inclined to ask you: Why do you languish in this vale of darkness, this base realm, the world of matter?

One thing my Master has advised me: Take your mind along as soon as possible.

So, I entreat you, my mind, to soar with me to the heavens without delay.

Give up indulgence in passion at the portals of the senses and decide to extricate yourself from this entanglement now.

For me there is no companion like you, for I belong to you and you are meant for me.

I am your slave, please listen to me: Go up to Gagan (Inner Sky) and establish your abode there.

You will regain your original glory and will no longer have to suffer the intense pains and pleasures of the world.

The Master has given out the secret of how to take you with me on my return home.

But I am still in your power, unable to reach the Shabd without your help.

If you do not follow my advice, both of us will languish in the cycle of birth and death.

Please listen to my pleading, have pity on me, and look for the melody of Shabd, which is close by. Let us both rise to the higher regions within and establish ourselves firmly on Sumer (Mountain of gods, one of the three prominences in Trikuti.) You stay there to rule the whole region, while I move on to the court of Radha Soami.

The mind spoke to the soul, saying: I am unable to overcome my taste for sensual pleasures. What can I do how can I take your advice? My enslavement to the senses is no small matter. I have lost all strength, I have given up all effort, I can no longer exert my will against them. I really do want to give up the sense pleasures, but when faced with them, I lose my resolve. I severely repent, before and after, but at the time I do not miss a chance to indulge.

Ill at ease like a restive colt, how can I ascend to the sky within, O beloved!

I therefore suggest we beg for the Master’s help. Let us join together to seek refuge with him   and strengthen our faith by listening to his satsangs. When the Master showers his grace on us he will keep me in check. I can never go up with my own strength-

I must meet the Master the emancipator of prisoners.

Hearing this, the soul was overjoyed: Come quickly and let the Master cut our bonds! Both went to Satsang and submitted themselves. They fill their cup to the brim. They drank nectar to their heart content.

Holding hands they rise up to the inner sky, moving from shabd to shabd they greedily quenched their thirst with nectar.

Rhada Soami showered his mercy upon them and they collected diamonds, pearls and rubies. Rhada Soami manifests his will and vanquished the formidable Kal.

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