Thought for December 6th
We have misconceptions not because we think illogically, but because we live badly in our lives.
ignorance can not lead to evil, misconceptions lead to evil.
It’s not what people know, it’s what they claim to do.
Any misconception is a poison: there are no harmless misconceptions ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER
One of the bad properties of man is that he loves only himself and wants only good for himself. But woe to him who loves only himself! -BLAISE PASCAL
The struggle between spiritual and material inner nature continues in everyone. So, everyone has misconceptions, and many will always take them for the truth.
To feed those who are hungry, to clothe those who are naked, to visit the sick in hospitals are acts of mercy, but there is an act of beneficence that can not be compared to them: to free your brother from any misconception.
These are thoughts on which everyone should begin to meditate, to question oneself about what one believes – what one understands – what one should really know.
These three verbs form a triumvirate that will help us understand many things.
Knowing how to differentiate between these three verbs, would help us to identify and distinguish the trinity in man and in the world, to finally achieve cognition, otherwise we will never leave the infernal circle and poison our lives in faults ideas.
Jesus had come not to perform miracles, but to help us elucidate the mystery of the holy trinity. Unfortunately, we translate as Father-Son-and Holy Spirit, to comfort us in our misunderstandings .