Are we sincere in our quest for truth ?

“Ye search the Scriptures, because ye think ye have eternal life in them: they are they which bear record of me. »           John 5:39

In the introduction to a book of Sant Mat (The path of the Saints)
Titled Basic principles of Sant Mat ,
spread over 3 Volumes of 360 pages each.

An explanation that I believe will appeal to all those who sincerely seek to understand the world in which we live and the Creator of the Universe

Here is the explanation:

« The Creator Lord designed the wondrous play of nature by creating innumerable physical and spiritual realms. If we look from the tiny atom to the immense sky, we realize that our world contains many forests, mountains and oceans where many human creatures and other species live.
The unfathomable multi-colored creation is a beautiful example of the impeccable work of the Lord.

The Lord created eighty-four lakh (8.4 million) species divided into four categories and placed man at the top.
Although the craftsmanship of the Lord can be seen in every particle,
For example: A zebra 🦓, a peacock 🦚,  as for fish, you can be amazed in front of an aquarium- Birds of all colors –So-called wild animals:

And now the different races of men and women:

His art reaches its peak in the creation of humans.
The human body appears to be made entirely of flesh and bone, but in reality it is such an exceptional work of art that many books and treatises have been written about the secrets it holds.

Many doctrines prevail regarding the methods of God realization and each doctrine espouses different theories, but all agree on one point: The human form is supreme and one can only achieve perfection and truth in this form.
It is surprising that we have forgotten the Creator – the Lord – and fallen in love with His creation – the material world. In doing so, we waste our human life, in which every breath is precious.

Most people have no inclination towards spirituality. If some, by chance, turn to God, they engage in external practices and rituals at the behest of the spirit. Some people worship idols and perform penances; others do breath control exercises to achieve concentration, while some read a few Vedanta books and
weighed “tam Brahman” and “You are That”. The fact is, “Without the true Guide, there is total darkness.

Sages often claim that they follow the teachings of the saints, but in truth, these teachings are extremely difficult to follow. To follow the path of the Gurus is to die while living, but if we wish to escape the cycle of eighty-four, we do not have any
other option.
Adi Granth is a boundless ocean that contains countless spiritual gems and jewels. Anyone who dives into it can get these gems. Those who shape their lives according to the teachings become true sadhus, or gurmukhs. The purpose of this book is to help scholars gain a clear understanding of the teachings of Guru Sahib as well as the writings of other saints and mystics.

The book sheds light on many aspects of spirituality by bringing together evidence from Guru Sahib’s writings. The main objective is to understand Nam, (The Word) also known as Shabd. The Saints explain that Shabd is of two types: varnatmak and dhunatmak. Varmatmak can be written or spoken, dhunatmak is the sound of the inexpressible Shabd, which can only be experienced within, through the soul, through concentration in the eye center.
Varnatmak is man-made and limited by the mind, while dhunatmak – a resonance of the Lord – is beyond the mind and cannot be described in any language.
Kabir says:
Through these fifty-two letters, the three worlds and all things are described. These letters will perish; they cannot describe the imperishable Lord’.

Everything in the three worlds can be described in words, but dhunatmak Shabd is that eternal element which is beyond description. If we lovingly follow the path laid out by our Guru, we can hear the Shabd within Daswan Dwar (the eye center). Adi Granth calls it anhad (unlimited, boundless) Sound, Truth, Shabd or Nam. This sound is beyond words. Shabd, which is the essence of all realms and the basis of the entire universe, has resonated within each of us since the dawn of time. Shabd allows the soul to cross the ocean of existence and return and unite with the Lord.

Guru Nanak says:

“In me the light of the Word continually shines, and I am lovingly attached to the true Lord. »

1 comment

  1. “Je suis attaché avec amour au vrai Seigneur ”
    Cette expression de gourou Nanak résume tout le reste

    Entre la démarche menant à la connaissance de soi et celle de l’abandon de soi au courant de la Foi, il y’a une différence de vue considérable

    L’âme est le reflet de la puissance de l’Esprit opérant en toute chose

    Devant le spectacle que nous offre l’univers dans la diversité des merveilles qui l’emplissent, on se sent si petit que seul l’amour de la force peut nous envahir avec la force de l’amour divin capable de nous relever en dignité

    La Vérité est une et devient claire à nos yeux quand nous cessons de vivre dans la futilité des systèmes de pensées contradictoires et que l’on trouve par ci et par là

    A l’instar d’un enfant, chacun doit apprendre à vivre à fond les beautés de la vie par amour pour sa vie

    Et cet amour dicte son cœur sur le chemin des bonnes leçons apprises afin de devenir grands, objectifs et utiles à toutes bonnes choses

    Qu’est que Dieu réclame de chacun de nous sinon de pratiquer le justice d’aimer la bonté et de marcher modestement avec lui et suivant sa volonté ?

    Vivre en toute conscience par l’application de la science émanant du sens que prennent nos besoins vitaux tout en évitant de causer des préjudices aux autres, c’est déjà un travail de haute estime de soi que l’on fait sur soi

    C’est alors que le chemin sera déblayé afin que les portes des belles expériences spirituelles puissent s’ouvrir devant le nez de celui où de celle en quête sincère de bien meilleures vérités sur Dieu, sur la nature et sur soi

    Autrement, l’on aura toujours besoin de monter des plans débiles afin de parvenir à ses fins au détriment des autres

    Et le déséquilibre mental qui en résulte par la suite saura souligner le manque de sincérité que l’on a dans ses rapports avec soi-même, Dieu et les autres

    Rien au monde ne peut être plus vrais que les actes d’un être débonnaire dans ses contacts avec ses pairs

    Car, il se degage de son cœur sincère vla vérité du Père sur la surface de la terre nourricière

    Mercis mon ami pour cette contribution dans le travail de rééducation des autres

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