Very nice video, congratulation to the director. I allow myself, however, to make a few points on this subject.

We have lost all rights to be friends with animals and to learn from them certain rules of conviviality as before the Flood. We would have a lot to learn from them.

Enmity has settled between them and us, right out of the Ark.

The Lord was angry when Noah had prepared a barbecue in his honor with all the pure beasts sort of an (Holocaust) so that he would allow them to continue eating them.

As you will see later, it was Lord Jehovah’s fault for having forgotten them in the ark, so they had begun to eat the animals because the food they had brought for the men and the animals was over.

While they were given these animals in order to continue the perpetuation of the human race apres le deluge.


Though a wicked and wise translator said that the LORD smelled a sweet smell to him, and even talked what the LORD said in his heart!! But, his reaction proved the opposite. Gen. 8: 21

Not having received the Lord’s consent to continue to eat the beasts, the sons of Noah went to God to find his blessing in order to bypass the condemnations that the Lord had pronounced against them. Gen. 8: 22

God, who himself is all Love , who never gets angry, but warned the man not to go into this business of eating the animals, reminding them that it was the green grass that He recommended and continue and the green grass will it be, if they had wanted to remain friends with the animals.

This is what is happening now, since we did not comply. What do we see? As soon as a beast sees us, he runs away while the cohabitation should have been be smooth and without any fear of each other.

(Read carefully all chapter 9 of Genesis)

God still had left us free choice, but as always, we had done as we pleased.

In the beginning God had entrusted to us the animals, which besides, had been created before us, now He has delivered them into our hands.

What a responsibility!!!


  1. It was an interesting text,kind of renewing my convictions that us humans are more instinctual than intuitiv ,however, with the inputs of science and technological advancements , we kind of walked away from cultivating our basic instincts which are parts of our building blocks, our very animal nature, no wonder why the other animals seems to take the upper hands when it comes to congregate and survive in any hostile environments.For instance,when something outrageous like an hurricane or a tsunami ,or any kind of natural disasters, the birds and the animals will be the first to sense the dangers and migrate from north to south and vice versa to look for refuge and safety, not us humans,we have not developed this capacity
    we have a good word for it,we call it superstition.Take any sports like soccer or basketball,all the best players rely on their instincts to play,they don’t think,they act and not react to the game.Manno Sanon,Pelé
    Maradona,Messi,Michael Jordan just to cite a few,they are seen as G.O.A.T.S. they hav embraced their natural leanings.Your text was an awakening that open a window showing many opportunities for exchange of ideas.

  2. N’ est ce pas ce philosophe Ameicain
    Stephen Erickson qui disait déjà,je quote” Chaque homme que je rencontre m’est supérieur en quelques manières c’est pourquoi je m’approche de lui et je m’instruis.”
    Ceci dit,je ne fais que m’ aligner avec les beaux esprits comme toi que Dieu nous a legues et je n’en fais que profiter.

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