Despite all the warnings He has given us; that we were going to pay for the blood we would shed and to be responsible for the souls of those creatures we were going to remove.
To kill is not to commit murder on another man, it is to take the life of any living being.
You would ask; then, what about the blessing the blessing of God?
It is the same as when your father refuses you something, you will go complaining to your mother or grandmother, who would then give you her blessing for this thing thus refused by your father. But, by summoning you not to trespass certain rights.
Gen. 9: 2, 4 and 5
Instead, we had opted to take all the consequences upon us.
Why do you think we go to war all obedient, without complaining?
To pay with our life and our blood, for the blood that we had let flow and the souls that we had not spared for a simple food.
Romans 14: 15-23
I draw your attention to this particular verse 15:
But if, for a food, your brother (the beast) is saddened, you no longer walk according to love: Do not cause, by your food, the loss of the one for whom Christ died. This implies that Christ did not die for man alone but for the souls.
Do not worry, if you have not paid yet, you should come back and pay. Mathieu 5, 26
I know that many of you do not believe in reincarnation, but how do you interpret the above verse
- It is not because the marine animals were not in the ark that gives you the right to consume them. They living being as well.
se the video below:↓
It was an interesting text,kind of renewing my convictions that us humans are more instinctual than intuitiv ,however, with the inputs of science and technological advancements , we kind of walked away from cultivating our basic instincts which are parts of our building blocks, our very animal nature, no wonder why the other animals seems to take the upper hands when it comes to congregate and survive in any hostile environments.For instance,when something outrageous like an hurricane or a tsunami ,or any kind of natural disasters, the birds and the animals will be the first to sense the dangers and migrate from north to south and vice versa to look for refuge and safety, not us humans,we have not developed this capacity
we have a good word for it,we call it superstition.Take any sports like soccer or basketball,all the best players rely on their instincts to play,they don’t think,they act and not react to the game.Manno Sanon,Pelé
Maradona,Messi,Michael Jordan just to cite a few,they are seen as G.O.A.T.S. they hav embraced their natural leanings.Your text was an awakening that open a window showing many opportunities for exchange of ideas.
Thank you Stanley Belone for this comment, it is the kind of contribution we need in this website to help promote the Reeducation we are are advocating.
N’ est ce pas ce philosophe Ameicain
Stephen Erickson qui disait déjà,je quote” Chaque homme que je rencontre m’est supérieur en quelques manières c’est pourquoi je m’approche de lui et je m’instruis.”
Ceci dit,je ne fais que m’ aligner avec les beaux esprits comme toi que Dieu nous a legues et je n’en fais que profiter.