Monday April 21, 2020, I had all the symptoms of Covid 19 which started with a cough, fever and stomach pain.
My daughter Axelle who is a nurse who works at a large hospital in Florida , who is assigned once a week in the patient section of Covid19 , was so afraid that she offered to go with me to the Hard Rock Casino where they administer this test.

My wife refused, saying that she knows I can fight this case, because these people are always going to find something positive.
I had already bought my hair dryer which used to heat up my nostrils every day for at least 10 minutes according to the following formula in which I believed. Several sources including that of a doctor from which I cannot import The video here, it is too large in terms of bites that my site allows me.
Here is an example:

Yes, it’s as simple as that.
The coughing had stopped, but the headache and fever in the blood persisted throughout the day.
the blood pressure monitor had jumped all the way to 160/135.
My daughter gave me a pill to lower the blood pressure. And the thermometer measuring the fever 🌡 swung to 99.4 -99.9 not more fortunately .
The fever did not show on the outside but I felt a strong heat passing through me inside.
Although I was resting, the fever persisted. I took a shower, although I could barely stand in the shower which doesn’t have a grab bar.
Around 9:00 in the evening, I tried an old recipe that I knew of , which still gives good results:
In two different containers, I put ice some water in one recipient up to the ankle for my right foot and hot water in the other for my left foot, both at the limit of tolerance , Until the water in the containers reach the same degree.
This is call; Balancing the body.

I took 2 Tylenol every 4 hours to control the headache that was plaguing me.
After 2 hours, I started to sweat heavily all over my body, which meant that the fever had subsided and I slept until morning. Since then, I have gone from normal to the best of my form.
It lasted 36 hours.
The best of all of this was especially the expression of love that I received from my wife, a heroine 🦸‍♀‍.
My daughter wanted her to go to the empty room next door to protect herself. She refused saying with all her strength:
If my husband has to die, I will die too.
Who would dare to die after such a beautiful expression of love ?
I think that 80/100 of my remission was mainly due to this solemn declaration.

A message of consolation.

If God needs to see us again before the world capsizes, we should respond with a good YES.

In the Bible, is it not said  :“Death is a gain? ”

Already , He has left us too long in this valley of tears and sorrows.

We enter the world crying,
We have to grow; for that, we all know what we have to be submitted to:
We have to go to school, we have to work our whole life, and most of the time, we don’t come to the end to take a well-deserved retirement and be able to  enjoy it.
Yet , if we had a little strength left, we find ourselves in a free fall, trying to live one day at a time , if God allows it to us.

You are probably asking:  What  about so many who did not survive this pandemic?

Here is what I understood :
What is going on and how to use this spare time of confinement to our benefit.
We should prepare our body in such a way that it does not offer any resistance to it . It only lasted 36 hours on me because it found no resistance and made its way easily , installing itself and is probably strengthening me better than before for the repeated assaults of such little strangers.

Viruses 🦠 are living things which needs a good environment to live within us, the same way we are breathing all sort of microbes 🦠 to keep us alive.
So, when our bodily environment is polluted, the time it takes them to clean it in order to install themselves , to mutate into something that protect us , ends up  killing us instead.

(Being a Lacto-Vegetarian leading a clean moral life probably played)

Hope this makes sense for the scientists who are still struggling to understand.,
I hope it’s not a malicious play on their part to keep people in ignorance.

My understanding of all that:

Many of those departing souls are not prepared to be useful to render a last service to their country , to humanity, and to other souls, by making them benefiting from their acquired experiences certainly earned through sweat and tears and a game efforts, but also, by the grace of God.
That is why we should not demand anything in return.

In conclusion, if to purify us, God must pass one last soap which acts as a disease on us, well, we must submit to it without complaining.

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