Let’s go back to suicide.
We talk about Accident, Impossible and Hazard and Chance, which are vain words used to keep us in the dark.
Our smallest and gestures are timed and followed just like the Radars that run our planes and the GPS that assists us as guardian angels on the roads. (What a beautiful invention?) Jesus Christ said we could do great things, and here we are.
How come we are we still so ignorant when it comes to managing our body, that we are slowly destroying in every way. Our famous artists, footballers and rich people are buying devices that cost them millions that are capable of destroying their most valuable asset; the body.
Just because we are bored, we take our plane, our car, our motorcycle, our bike and for no reason we can decide to go for a walk and either be the cause of an accident or be the victim of one . How do you call that?
A SUICIDE. we did not know how to program our natural GPS to know which road to take and respect the instructions that our natural GPS that we call guardian angels proposes us. And especially if the motive evoked to leave our tranquility was legitimized.
Since we are going to agree that Accident, Impossible, Hazard, and Chance do not exist, we should find a place to classify these results somewhere without blaming God or Satan.
Saying; it’s not my fault just to justify our setbacks is over.
We involuntarily committed suicide.
The bad news is that we will suffer the same consequences as willful suicides.
Why and how?
Because, the age, the time and the hour of our true death according to our destiny did not come to an end, the providence will not take into account this sudden withdrawal in the body or all the feelings, the psychological and physiological needs will continue to assail you in the dark world that we would have inherited since without eyes to see, without mouth to eat, without ears to hear, without the nostrils to breathe, not to mention the pains we have just inflicted to our body will not disappear not until the hour of our true death arrives, that is hell.
I recommend you to watch the movie ” BeetleJuice ” which is great as an illustration.