When a man and a woman who belong to each other and were destined for each other by the stars come together, no adultery will take place, because they form one being. But if these two do not come together, there is no steadfast love; their love sways like a reed in the wind. When a man courts many women, he has not found the proper wife to complement him, similarly a woman who carries on amorous intrigues with other men has not found the proper husband.
You begin to see why there are so many discordances in male / female relationships. Don’t you? With the knowledge of the characteristics of each zodiacal signs, you can correct certain weaknesses without having to initiate a divorce. (The marriage counselors are served.)
It remains for us to apply the logical outcome of the principles of sex as they affect man, the universe, and the immortality of the Soul.
As we view the outward forms of man and woman we cannot fail to observe the perfect harmony between the external appearance and the internal cause. Their organisms are the concrete image of the principles concealed within. It would be the extreme height of absurdity for us to believe a materialized form bears no correspondence to the forces which created it. The form cannot exist without an internal cause, and the internal cause is powerless to produce any external form except the reflected image of itself and its functions.
Under these circumstances it must be evident every male organism is the absolute outcome of masculine forces, and every female organism the product of the feminine qualities. Therefore, a male soul cannot be born into the world under the cover of a female form. Neither can a female soul be ushered upon the planes of humanity imprisoned within the masculine body. These are nature’s facts, with ought to be apparent to every thinking mind.
In light of the above, the case of gay people find an unequivocal answer.
The human form applies to man as the material culmination of nature’s sexual expression. Upon this plane she can go no further, for beyond this limit we step between the spaces of the ether. There, nature continues her wonderful expression of sex in strict harmony with the laws of correspondence to the planes below. While dealing with the forms assumed by man we must notice those vital secretions which form the physical conditions for reproduction.
The seminal fluids are the most ethereal of all physical secretions and contain the very quintessence of human nature. The sexual organism exists as factor in procreation; therefore, the sexual organs have their proper functions and use or they would not be present. To suddenly and completely suppress their natural functions would do a great deal of physical and spiritual harm. The reaction of them will create violent discord within the ethereal constitution.
(We address here the people who made the vows of chastity.)
Here is an exemple of the power of a pregnant woman can direct the baby in her womb in any direction, shape , color, tendency.
After reading this profound text, I believe I have grasped a little of the complexity of elucidating the relationship between man and woman as well as the natural dynamism of the emanation of the sexes.
“He who finds a wife finds happiness”
This statement from the Bible places women at the center of man’s happiness.
Indeed, in life everyone has their own quina. it is the law of correspondences which regulates the game of dance so that elegance is not achieved by pure chance
When two soulmates meet, there is an alchemy that operates between them as a sign that they have been sealed for eternity
But that is not enough to unite them.
Because professional social constraints create prejudices that create a gap between them when the material and educational conditions are not the same for both.
In this sense, our common sense stops the bodily turbulence caused by the excitement between two souls having to live together
If love can be born from a simple look, without a guitar the music of a melody plays following the cadence of the symphony of hearts as if by magic
But our calculations often prevent the fire from heaven from setting the earth ablaze through the air, the freshness of which is reminiscent of the water that creates life.
In this way, we have wasted many life plans that call for life to build pleasant and useful lives for all other life forms.
Chimeras are thus created and we then wonder why the drifts push us adrift despite the fact that we seek to reach the other shores.
Nature always does its job well for our greater good
But how many times have we prevented it in spite of ourselves?
The main thing is to be loved and thanks to God we are always loved by the entire universe
It is now up to us to learn how to adapt to these benevolent demands so that our lives have a chance of being blessings experienced in trance.
Thank you my friend for this generous contribution to the rehabilitation work of others.
You oh my queen, here is your king yes it’s me
Why do you see yourself more in the eyes of a renegade?
And I fight for you as it should be
Oh my, from scratch you make me a strong hero
In contact with your skin I always have a great thirst for water
I feel the strongest of the weak, brave
Yet, in the hollow of your heart that’s where I seek my happiness
Living without love is like breathing while dead
And daring to truly love is an assured death of what we have been
The die is cast and here I am at your side willy-nilly
What to do when everything must go wrong through someone else?
You are a moonfire in the form of a fairy without counterfeit
And I forfeit in front of your beautiful soul adorned with kindness
Because it makes my eyes shine like the stars of the heavens
Even when the paradoxes remain, I die to be able to go wrong
Your way of pleasing makes my verses flow to Aquarius from your upside-down leaf
In the heart of hell arises the splendor of your landmark sky
I lose myself in your arms to find myself in your heart in turmoil
And there it is, I am all yours and I also feel sorry for you
In reading this poem in its spiritual, simple and penetrating scope.
I understood why I couldn’t wake up. It’s 9:20 AM, something that rarely happens to me, I understand why, it was to be on my feet in order to be able to enjoy this food for the soul, prepared in your beautiful kitchen where all the utensils are well stored away, and always ready to mix the ingredients made up of manna received from heaven, well kept in the warehouse of your subconscious in order to provide for the needs of others in all generosity.
By leaving this comment on this text dedicated to Man and Woman or twin souls, this proves that mother nature or Providence is always at work, she monitors everything, and makes fruits and flowers grow in the lands well maintained.
I thank you very much because I am full my friend.
I have gotten into the habit of watching this show which helps me confirm certain phenomena that doctors, scientists 🧬 cannot explain, not being versed in mysticism which only true mystics are capable of explaining like the case of children in the following video:
Open this link on your browser to understand the phenomenon, the explanation of which is in the developed subject, of which here is an extract:
If a woman should marry under these circumstances and become the mother of children, it will often be seen that the seeds of spiritual life will be transmitted through this absent soul. The external husband provides only purely physical conditions for the manifestations of offspring. The rejected soul mate, the spiritual spouse is the true father, and very often the child born will resemble the image of their true soul parent.
The spirit of a pregnant woman is so strong that it can influence the seed and change the fruit in her womb in many directions. Its inner stars act vigorously and firmly on the fruit; Its nature is deeply and firmly shaped and wrought, because the child in the mother’s womb is exposed to the mother’s influence. He is entrusted to the hand and to the will of his mother, as clay is entrusted to the hand of the potter who creates and forms outside of himself what he wants and what he pleases.
Here is the link to the full text: