Would you really like to live forever ?

Yet, the confusion and chaos of today seem more widespread and more rampant than ever before in the world’s history. Still it is past its darkest portion of the orb and its culminating point.
As it is often darkest just before break of day, now the dawn of a brighter morn is at hand. Then the faithful, resolute truth-seeker shall be able to solve for himself this awful problem of good and evil. Therefore, we must be sustained by the knowledge of the ultimate victory of order and equilibrium over chaos and opposing forces. Even though enveloped in the darkness of battle and involved in the vortices of the defeated legions of error, let us turn our attention more closely to the satellite itself. It has been such a disturbing factor to our planet’s mental equilibrium we must consider it with special reverence. The implications and responsibility forced upon every Soul seeking light and Immortality are very great at present.
In the first place, this orb possesses a complete organization of its own, and is governed by well-defined laws. The nature of these laws may be known only too well by patiently observing the merciless instincts of the lower animal nature manifested in man. There the moral consciousness is absolutely wanting. Throughout this whole sphere are numerous races of Spiritual beings, many of them possessing the highest forms of cunning and intelligence possible on then animal plane. It is these beings who are neither elementals nor elementaries, but who are the producers of the greatest portion of suffering and misery which afflict all humanity.
From within the dark center of the astral realms of these beings, the spirit of lies, murder, fraud and religious imposture are formulated. It is then projected to the human fraternity as the means of its continued existence.
From these human centers it is reformulated to suit the spirit and temper of the times. Then its psychological influence is projected into the mental whirl of the human race. Its silent, subtle influx poisons the dimensional spaces which constitute the magnetic planes of all human life.
The unseen occult current penetrates the innermost recesses of the human mind and possesses the soul to such an extent that deep down in the heart of man there is an evil. No matter how pure and disinterested one may appear, there lurks the slimy reptile of selfishness inside the Soul. It is there even when he least suspects it. It is this grim monster which each aspirant to occult truth seeks to conquer. When this Goliath of the Soul is struck dead by the smooth white pebble of the Spirit, the ordeal is over. It is slung with the neophyte’s full will and the crown of Immortality won. “Te the victor belong the spoils.”
It is the dark satellite which formulates the Spirit of lie murder, and frauds and this was well known to the initiates of the greater Hermetic mysteries. We find the idea very clearly defined in the mystical language of the ancients. The following extract from one of the supposed lost magical works of Hermes Trismegistus shows this clearly. He who speaking of the magical rulers of the Dark Satellite as they sit in council, creating all delusion, when he wrote:

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