Evil is not being confused with suffering.
The Bible in chapter 5: 7 of the book of Job reads: “Man is born to suffer as a spark to steal.”
If suffering is like a spark, it does not last. Vauvenargues, a philosopher tells us: “He who knows how to survive.” We must have taken him for a sadist!
The Buddha had his life trying to understand the phenomenon of suffering with a view to his cessation. The book of Job was surely inspired to be able to be so firmly.
His conclusion is that it is inherent to every human being, but it is a solution that is, “If you want to alleviate your suffering, you must remember it in your living being,” because it is also a boomerang that the Bible describes as a stumbling block. (Romans 14: 15-22) A beautiful reading to convince you.
Thus, entering initiatory circles, deciphering ancient manuscripts or diving into the depths of the sea and risk life in caves, pyramids, dangerous mazes to look for the evidence, is a waste of time, again a merit for Aivanhov it is enough to know how to enter in oneself which is the only access to this third dimension where is the dynamic laboratory, where everything is renewed every day.
This is what the Apostles Paul describes as dying every day while living,
To die every day while we’re alive, we’re reborn every day! How extraordinary! This course of study is based on the principle that the Good Shepherd Vivant has the ability to convey through a form of: Baptism, Initiation, Anointing or Gift, by simple instructions that contain no mysteries that deserve to be appreciated and practiced only, even a child could do it, because we do not need to; “To plunge into the dark depths of his being”, as Aivanhov reproaches him well .
For this, the body must be kept in good condition, “a holy spirit in a holy body”
Therefore, it is necessary to:
Stop killing the animals to eat them if we do not want to impose their burdens, they are also souls who carry their cross, but even more difficult than us men. By killing them for a simple food, we take a closer look at their future incarnation if we still have this opportunity. This is the stumbling block of Roman 14 pays 20.