The name of my website is very provocative: As you will see, I have touched on topics that everyone thought they understood, but with a new light that has surely cleared the path, trying to provoke some queries, for when I get to the heart of the matter as announced in the most recent text: THUS BEGINS THE RE-EDUCATION. With the menu offer that I intend to propagate to you as we go along, you will understand that nothing happens by haphazardly. I did not hesitate to show part of my biography so that you are comfortable with me.
My new vocation, I did not chooset, I consider it a divine mission. You probably are wondering: Is it another wag?
I saw thousands of visitors who have delved in the website, and probe my texts, thanks to the tool that the company that hosts the site provided me , I can see what a visitor does; the number of pages read, the number of times spent reading each page, and whether this page has been reread etc. Although I was expecting questions to shed more light on some topics that I thought would be confusing, I did not have any comments or questions, meaning, the expectation of people have been met. I hope they have been well penetrated by the subjects, I see myself now obliged to spread the method thus promised.
However, I learned from my Spiritual Master that one should not fill people’s heads, because the mind is like a child, who could spend a lot of time in hobbies but, very lazy when it comes to things that asks for some concentration and introspection.
That is the aim of this reeducation and you will have to depend upon yourselves, a kind of ” personal salvation ”
My recommendation to you is; not to try to learn too much at a time in the beginning until your mind gets used to it.
We have seen that no intermediary; parents, friends, teachers cannot really search our conscience, even when we pretend to believe them. Belief being situated in time, sometimes very short, we would like to have these intermediaries at our bedside to respond to our slightest transcendental attempt, since thoughts jostle in our head and must be channelized. It is this formatting that we will do so that we can sort, classify and eliminate all that is useless, by replacing old data with new ones. This is what the computer language calls “APPEND”, we learned to throw in the trash without any consideration everything that does not correspond to our tendency as being bad, that the reason why and knowing too well the method by which we were educated, where we were led to confuse wisdom to complex and prejudices, a formatting which, I hope, could be canceled in order to allow us to receive new simple data, to which we are not used to. Jesus said, “Let little children come to me”
That is what he was referring to. Let us become these little children to start this new and beautiful journey together.
This Method that we will experiment will not seem new to you, since we are from yesterday, but the time and the authorities who intervened in our formation were not true Masters.
I understood this from my earliest childhood that school was only there to blow the dust off our memory so that knowledge could emerge, knowledge that we had to leave of oblivion or (Subconscious) before coming here in the world, since the essential element was not yet available in good proportion to allow us to manage the full consciousness that is needed for our existence in the world today, that is why we feel submerged.
That is not the case today as the Giants start coming back. As children, we already see their demonstration; see my text on: Super souls or giants
All that we will see together does not come from me, since nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed and evolves, it is in this dynamic that we will move.
Frantz; how is this possible! It’s amazing. This is the very best performance I have ever seen from a child. It looks real, not bogus.
These are the men of the fifth generation, thanks to technological advances and progress in communications, also, thanks to the element Ether which is more evolved in the world.
For that reason, many souls arrive with a greater amount of consciousness with information of several past lives.
Their brains are fed with a greater light in place of a subconscious which once delayed our conscious faculties which were gradually redistributed, what the spiritual masters of the East called “monde de l’oublie “.
People’s brains are now able to remember 4-8 past lives.
This is why, as soon as a baby 👶 can pronounce its first words, they can detect the maturity that emerges in the inhabitants of such bodies who do not wait long to make themselves known.
To well-born souls, the number of years does not matter.