6) This central control of the universe is usually called principle or spirit. The term of principle does not emit as much cohesion as that of spirit. Nevertheless, this principle controls and governs with intelligence, so it is spiritual in nature. The Hindus also present it as the Almighty, that is to say that man actually becomes this dominant element. He reaches the omnipotence, when he projects his thought towards the control, the central authority.
7) Everything becomes simple if we look at the situation openly. You think that such a person, or such a situation, has the ability to make you sad. Thus, you delegate a certain authority to a particular place or being, you obey it and embody the mental and emotional state that characterizes, in your view, the nature of that authority. A source of which you decree that she has only the power to make you sad will never represent joy. You then experience the sadness that you admit that it has the power to manifest in you and declare: “I am sad.” You become what you embody. The secret power that I was talking about earlier comes down to this process. However, to manifest our powerful power, we must obey this source and embody its characteristics; then we will not hesitate to proclaim: “I am this or that” Hindus expression – when this becomes the element we have embodied. After a long reflection, this idea will become perfectly clear to all of you.
8) In this state, the will-power is not a method of domination. It gives us the impetus to create this control, but is not the motivating factor behind it. The will can entirely defer this control. Unwavering will never project thoughts to a central point. A mental action or precise control has a central authority, which is a specific attribute or element that man uses and that he dominates enough to work with him – not on him. Man brings the same process to the central point of the principle behind any conditions.
9) Let’s take a very simple example. Man has the power to train his mind to respect the principle of mathematics, but does not have the will to make it work. The principle acts on its own, as a single authority center within its scope. The individual can raise his will to the point of activity of the principle. However, from then on, the principle is the force of life and through this subjection of his will, he finds the secret of his mathematical power. The principle of human will must be introduced into individual subjectivity and subject to a higher authority; Thus man becomes the embodiment of this principle and acquires the power of this higher authority. The human being loses all force by agreeing to let himself be dominated by what in reality has no power, and it is this that should prove to him that he has immense power. He must now learn to apply this principle voluntarily and recognize that power exists only in the single principle.
10) Our daily life is a practical application of this fact, insofar as our declarations correspond to the principle or the single spirit. We experience an ideal: take, for example, perfection. We are immediately in harmony with the mind control or the single principle. We are planning an ideal that we must achieve. If it is high, this power acts immediately and puts it into practice. As it is projected and the force behind it acts through it, this ideal is achieved. As soon as it is clear of the activity of our will and projected into the activity of the single principle, it becomes a completed thing.