“How speak of Him who with one Word Did the whole universe create, And made a thousand rivers flow therein? What might have I to praise Thy might? I have not power to give it praise.” (GURU NANAK)
The Thousand rivers referred to above are the thousand energy currents which flow out of the heart center of the Essence of material creation. This center is referred to as Sahasra Dal Kamal or The Thousand Petalled Lotus. (La premiere regions Spirituelle)
It is the region of the inner sky in the plane of Akash, the ether of the universe, and is the powerhouse of the material creation. The thousand petalled Lotus of Jehovah God is referred to here as the multiple of the mysterious Yod-He-Vau-He. In the human body this center is located in the center of the forehead, about three-eighths of an inch above the Tisra Til region between the eyes. (The eye center) It is the heart or pivot of consciousness and life incarnated. The physical heart is controlled from this life center in the brain, which is the center of light and fiery energy the optic thalamus in the cerebrum. When the energy current of life and warmth and light leaves this center, the eyes grow dim, the heart ceases beating, respiration stops, and the life is drawn up into the next higher center whence it came.
When death takes place the silver thread is broken and the pitcher goeth to the well no more:
“Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” (Ecc. 12 6, 7
The golden bowl, the pitcher, and the wheel broken at the cistern or well, symbolize the circulation of the blood stream in the heart, which dips up the Life or Pranic energy from the respiratory tract and pumps it in rhythmic quantities, through the heart, like a wheel with buckets on it, still in use in the old time wells in the Orient, The silver thread symbolizes the energy link which binds the conscious being to this life center in the finer etheric world, just as the umbilical cord connects the fetus from that sphere into the physical world. As physical birth is an involution (we originally came from the heights, no matter how low we may have descended in the meantime), so the conscious death while living in the body known as Spiritual Transport- is a Spiritual New birth It is an evolution or ascension back into the realm of Perfect Bliss eventually; but first through the immediate energy realm above the physical, thence through higher realms until it reaches the source. In spiritual Transport, the consciousness leaves the low stages and dwells consciously in higher Inner Realms of Beings and Spiritual Vibrations of great Happiness, until the Region of Perfect Bliss is reached.