According to Gen. 1:3, “God said”. This is action is the first attribute of the Infinite One beyond all qualities, gunas and attributes. He is Akal Purush, the Timeless one, according to the referred Scriptures of the modern Saints; and is similarly refered to in the Bible. When “He” spoke, time began to run its course as energy currents of Sound and Light, in the process of Creation. Thus He brought the Inner Consciousness to the outer layer of energy, enlivening the shapes and forms of Creation on all Regions, until the physical realm was born out of the higher ones by means of energy crystallization.
The Trinity of Consciousness or Bliss, plus Sound as Life Essence and Light as Love Essence, are the nearest approach to describing the Indescribable.
The modern Saints, like Kabir Sahib, Guru Nanak, Swami Ji of Agra, the late Gurus Baba Jaimal Singh Ji, Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj and Sardar Bahadur Maharaj Ji of Beas, who have traversed these exalted Regions in their inner reach of Transport, have described these High lanes in their Sacred Discourses which formed a message for the souls of true seekers and devotees.
In such Sacred Writings are described, as nearly as our language can convey, four gradations of Creation on Spiritual Planes in the Eternal Realm. The Infinite One emerged from the consciousness of Inner Bliss to radiate that Energy, Love and Bliss to all lower realms of vibratory essences, and to the myriads of beings were in a state of blissful inactivity, of semi consciousness. Each one was given an opportunity to step up its vibratory frequency by one step in the scale of his present consciousness, by this impetus from the center outward.
In the beginning, the One Essence and center of consciousness became myriads of centers of Being. Each is a spark from the Eternal Fire of Life, as a soul or citizen