1) The word contains a great power, but one thing is sure: we must choose the words correctly and only then give them power. A word has no negative power unless we decide to give it one. Itself, contains no force. It is the one who conferred it. Of course, according to Oriental philosophy, the thought that precedes the word is decisive. Thought can therefore be the driving force behind the word and thus add power to it. Thereafter, as the Masters say, this word must go forward and create.
2) If a word is articulated for no particular reason or without force of thought, its effect is void. Given the choice of this word, the power attributed to it through thought cannot be the task for which it is pronounced. This is why the Masters also carefully select their terms and think that the word always remains selective.
3) This power placed behind the word to accomplish a task must be the energy we detect ourselves. According to the teachings of the Masters, the essential is not the energy you give but the one you observe for its accomplishment.
4) Jesus said: “My words are spirit, they are life and they carry out what they have been sent for.” The spirit is the creative cause in the universe, and our language has power only to the extent that the same spirit is considered the force that supports it. It is the activity of the force that grows the seed, because no seed contains the slightest power. It is the container or vehicle of this force. The same is true for the words “the word is a seed” affirm the Scriptures and the power of the spirit conforms to the words, as nature conforms to the seed. Our consciousness, or our spiritual sensibility, is the central point in this question of the power of the word. Words pronounced without a sense of reason are helpless and do not create, even if in a sense they can increase your hypnotic state. Your fear of negative words can accentuate their hypnotic force and thus increase the influence of a negative word. The words thrown without unreasonably or by ignorance do not alter the creative cause. People who talk about the power of negative words only express an Old idea, that of the devil. But there is only one power, that of God. There is no other opposite to the supreme good in the universal trend. What seems to face him is only in our mind that often annoys God’s purposes. The creative tendency of the universe, the divine will and purpose are to make the ignorance disappear, just as the light chases away the darkness.

5) The Masters pronounce a word and the representation of it exists immediately. It doesn’t even take a second. The time element does not intervene in the language, when the energy-spirit-inhabits it. A word supported by an impulse of sincere thought instantly created the desired state. Westerners do not attach the same importance to the power of speech.
In fact, a pronounced word, if not supported by energy, loses all its power. This is why Westerners fall into childish chatter; they are unable to attribute an appropriate value to their words.
6) Sufficiently selective thinking, or possessing the strength to allow this selection, should always be interested in language. It must not command by the will or strength of the will, but to give the verb the power that belongs to it. This is of course the power of the spirit and it penetrates our words only thanks to a very narrow thought, which corresponds to the creative aims of the universe. In this way, the Will, which has a directive capacity, emits the Word. It selects or participates in the selection of thought and formulation, but it is an awareness of the presence and power of the enlarged spirit of the presence and power of the spirit that grants this power. When a word is chosen for its meaning or use, it is always placed in the frequency to which it belongs.


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