7) This explanation should dispel the fear of the negative words that many feel, and at the same time encourage them to choose more intelligently their expressions and give them better use. “To think the words of God after him” would be the essence of spiritual power, for behind such words stands the true power, creator of the heavens and the earth. The words of man should always express and expresses his innate spiritual nature. If we only spoke in harmony with the highest and most constructive ideals, we would develop maximum power; thus, the improbable would then be most likely to the extent that such words have such power. In other words, the more divine the thought, the awareness and the consciousness, the more considerable the power involved in this process will be.
8) As the Oriental philosophers say, you will never be separated from one iota of the principle if you use chosen words. If you select each word-and you can-you will only communicate energy to your spiritual goal, never to a negative element.
9) The Hindus or Aryans, assert: “Man is the creator of the words therefore, he chooses them, controls them, grants them a place, makes them exist so that they may function or become powerful.” If he uses this faculty correctly, it is impossible to link this power to negative words. Therefore, they do not penetrate the mind of the individual who wishes to make manifest forms and he will not take it into account. This thought of manifest form is always the state of consciousness provoked or the ´ man is able to create, or he masters each of his words. In Sanskrit, in one of its phases, allows a state such that power manifests itself. Indeed, in Sanskrit it is possible to use only four words or positive affirmations. Words that can form positive affirmations and cannot be diverted.
10) Of course, you will wonder what these four words are. There are always words that express a positive statement about reality. Each of us can choose them. Of course, the most positive word is the first: God. If you return to the Principle, you will state your assertion knowing that this word is the foundation of everything; you will formulate with this word all the positive phrases. Thus the word speaks all the power of the word. Your key word is always the most spiritual: God. Then select the words that accompany it to complete your positive statement.
Just as all mathematical calculations are from the unit symbolized by the number 1, all words must come from a single root, or principle. GOD IS and, because GOD IS, I AM. Because God is life, I am life. Because God is intelligence, I’m intelligence. Because God is power. I am power. Because God is all substance, I am any substance, etc. “Father” in Sanskrit means first person who moved “and the first movement of the mind of the individual must always emanate from the single Source and prolonged by the consciousness of the individual. If he admits in his personal consciousness an element not derived from the reality divinity, he falsifies the process of life in himself and, therefore, becomes partially unconscious of the fullness of his divinity. It must abandon itself to the underlying reality of life in its entirety, to remain in Jerusalem its contact with the whole until the Holy Spirit, or the whole spirit of God is the driving energy of each of his thoughts, words and action.
12) Apart from his own field of competence, man cannot express an idea or a word which contains the slightest power of protest. It cannot come out of this field because each of the spoken word creates its field of action.