A beautiful poem, but misinterpreted.

This poem if taken in a context of spirituality would have had a different meaning.

It would have been very beautiful and very true if we had stripped the soul that speaks of all materialistic feelings that are attributed to her.
Since in the hereafter, she could only use the subtle side of life that we unfortunately had neglected to devote our most precious moments to the understanding of the world, but that, we often felt the need, the cry of the soul that we ignored, because of our mundane considerations and choices had opted for. Whereas, it is a little thin curtain like the skin of the eyelids that separated us from this world.
The materialistic imprint that we give to each verse of the poem shows well how we do not understand the Scriptures that cross our cultures and traditions with which we make superstitious rituals, instead of preparing ourselves for this imminent and inevitable phase of our existence.
What we call death, was but, our entry into a physical body to do an experiment of the same kind in the physical world. That’s why we all cry entering the world, while our parents rejoice. The Scriptures warn us of the hassles that await us, but we remain blind and deaf to them and go our ways. The soul is the Word of God, the Life that animate our body but we underestimate that.
The sentiments thus expressed in the poem is well-inspired but poorly interpreted.
If instead of addressing reproaches it should had rather considered as lessons to the just trespassed as well as for the living ones who attend the funeral.
The ritual of Catholicism with its solemnities responds well to this state. Indeed, the Priests celebrating the funeral do a good job. The anamnesis during the consecration talks not only to the soul of the deceased persons but to everyone in the assistance. Reminding us of the purposes of our entry into the world, what we came to do and not do which will culminate into this great day.
After closing the coffin, the priest was done with the body. The mass that is being conducted is for the purpose of living ones in the audience, so to remind them to give proper considerations to this side of life starting this day as it is as imminent for us as well as for the person we come to pay homage.
Unlike some other Christian denominations who spend hours talking about the passage of the deceased ones especially of what they had done well, forgetting to ask forgiveness to the Lord for the faults thus committed by those same ones, why, because they do not believe that the day of Resurrection is an immediate one, they send the souls to await for the advent of the Savior at a later date. While the Big brother who had come to pose as an ideal had already given the solution: (Destroy this body, I will rebuild it in three days). John 2 (19-22)
Yes, we had so many years to prepare our body to become a temple, but here we are now, reduced to a skin of sorrow on which people come to wipe their chagrin on us instead of rejoicing.

1 comment

  1. The writer in the RED is playing fun. I don’t think he/she knows the gratitude of the Poem. I am wasting my time. The Poem speaks volumes to all relationship.

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