The Sacred Chakras  
or Svâdhistâna-Chakra second chakra meaning: his own abode

The organs of the body although doing their respective works belong to the same family and must harmonize so that in the final, the being or entity that dwells within is comfortably installed. The heart, stomach, lungs, brain, cells of our body react differently as full members in order to contribute to one and the same result.

We accept that a great musician like Yanni can lead a whole group of virtuoso musicians who have mastered their instruments but accept to be led by one person in order to produce a pleasant melody that thousands of spectators enjoy, and millions of copies of these masterpieces are sold.

We call Yanni, Maestro, for having the ability to put so many talented individuals together in order to produce these works. By the way, Maestro means master in Italian.

But when it comes to spirituality, we let ourselves be led by anyone an imposed guide. While, like Yanni, there are spiritual Masters who as Yanni too, are very rare if not unique, therefore, difficult to find since it requires some preparations from us to become their disciples.

These preparations start by a good knowledge of oneself, physiologically and mentally, knowing that the mind is the body’s soundboard or hard disk on which, all the intellectual faculties, philosophy and sciences depend. The meaning of Science (A systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject) while the true individual is innate, the one which is said to have been made in the image and likeness of God, is superior to the mind which is only his subordinate, because having no particular light of itself but depend on the light of this being to operate.

Where does this gross ignorance come from? These little inspirations we gather is from a big inexhaustible source we cannot fathom? We pretend to know everything even though we see and know that we only have an inkling of something far greater than we are able to grasp. We see that sometimes, we have to let go of everything we knew in order to move to another dimension.

Ask a writer what he thinks of his latest book compared to the one he has just published or the one he is writing, he will certainly tell you; not to pay any attention as he is writing the book of his life.

It’s the same for a musician, a poet an artist etc. The work in progress is always the best.

Where does this inconstancy come from? Reasoning. Seeing that reason arises from the logic thus deductive, and it is said that; ‘’Logic is the science that studies the approaches of reasoning.’’ What a dichotomy!     And that’s the rub.

There is a lot of positive synonymous words related to reason, all that is used to lock us in a vicious circle. Here’s the list: Reason

  1. The power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.
  2. rationality, logic, logical thought, reasoning, cognition;formal ratiocination“postmodern voices railing against reason

“there is a close connection between reason and emotion”

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