The fact is that the Ark itself is a symbol of the human body, which floats upon the waters of energy in space, and contains a pair of every animal quality in creation. Of the clean and more peaceful ones, up to seven pairs are in the constitution of man’s make-up as the microcosm Even our Zodiac is made up of animal pictures, and energy whirls in the etheric substance of the body are also symbolized by animals in nearly all the Vedic writings and illustrations of old.
The event described in the Bible depicts a definite epoch in the life of human beings on earth, in their involutionary experience, when survival was at stake. It is always the good, the true, the gentle and the beautiful that survives, because it is balanced and close to the equilibrium of the Eternal Source of Energy Distribution. This principle was well known to Mystics of old.
It always takes at least one human being who is in touch with the Light and life of the Radiant, Sustaining sound Current, to maintain the balance on earth.
The Gracious Eternal Father always sends down His messengers, as Saints, Saviors, Sadhus or Prophet to save mankind from complete crystallization into matter and its forces, where he would lose all consciousness and choice. Not all of them teach or point out the way; some of them lead an obscure life on this earth while keeping in touch with the Eternal Balance of the Holy Shabd, and thus maintain the link for mankind in that Wave of Grace. Survival, not redemption, is the keynote of that particular dispensation.
The great Persian Saint, Shams-i Tabriz, was once asked if it were true that often there are obscure contemporary Saints in this world, who do not teach; or if he knew of any such person on earth, who helped mankind in this way. The Saint pointed to a coolie who was laboring on the docks. So much Mystic value can be hidden in a simple event, if we can but see or understand.
The story of Noah is such a story of great import in the survival of the human race. The three stories in the Ark symbolize the superior, middle and inferior parts of the body of man
1. The head and neck.
2. The chest.
3. The abdomen, with the pelvis as one cavity.
The door on the side refers to the psychic door from where souls involute and are connected with the inner energy regions. The navel, as the umbilical cord, is such a tie in front, in the sensory area. In the motor area, in the spinal nerve centers, it is the etheric prana center with more cerebrospinal fluid at the second lumbar vertebra, where the spinal cord proper ends. When these two, the sensory and motor areas, are linked, it can become a real door for finer sensory and motor impulses in and out of the body through the neuter organ of the spleen, which is the etheric exchange center for the function in and through the blood stream. The three ‘doshas’ or energies in the circulation have their sway here in their ebb and flow as energy waves.
Noah first lets out a raven, which denotes the darker or lower qualities which fly over the earth until the waters abate, then settle there. This sheds some light on some strange old stories of a similar nature, such as that of the great warrior, Fredrick Barbarossa, who died in one of the Crusades because he plunged into the river with horse and armor in his impatience to get into battle. It is said that he sits in a cave in a mountain in his homeland and occasionally asks his servant to go and see if the ravens still circle around the mountain. It was predicted that his liberation would be at hand when the ravens disappeared. This is true of all souls. When the dark and lower impulses-symbolized as ravens, vultures or crows are gone, the soul may rise from its dungeon of slavery to impulses and sensation. The story of the bondage of Israel in Egypt has a similar meaning.
Later, Noah sends out three doves. Two return; one with an olive branch of peace. The dove and the swan are both symbols of pure souls and pure spirit. Even the Holy Ghost is often symbolized as a dove. The good sent out, returns with peace and also spreads it on the land, as symbolized by the dove which did not return.
‘’Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days’’ (Ecc. 11:1)
Every soul who has faith, love and devotion is a Noah on earth, floating in the ark of his own body, over the great sea of Life and its experiences. All qualities are within ourselves. Which will we let out, and which will we generate?
“And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat. (GEN, 8:4)