Geographically, Ararat is a volcanic mountain with two peaks in Eastern Turkey, near the boundary with Iran and the Soviet Union. But in the Mystic interpretation it would be in a region or center above the water’s highest level within, which is the Manipura Chakra, and is situated above the Brahma Chakra.
This valley is very fertile, and Noah planted a vine yard there. He drank of the wine, and lay intoxicated in his tent (GEN. 9 20-25). Here another incident recorded that seems unreasonable. Especially in a hot country, what sin or shame could there be worth mentioning if a man took off his clothes in his own tent or house, even if one of his sons did come in?
The vineyard which Noah planted was not in this material world, but was symbolic of the Lord’s Vineyard, often mentioned in the parables of Jesus. What Noah performed was spiritual labor and inner devotion. Mystically speaking, we all stand naked before God. For He sees and knows all. The wine which Noah drank was really spiritual Nectar within. The intoxication referred to was Spiritual Ecstasy, the Mystic’s reward Vineyard of the Lord.
The sin of Ham was the irreverence and disrespect shown toward his father’s spiritual efforts and absorption in Spirituality. The three sons of Noah could symbolize the three gunas or qualities. The negative or Tamas quality always sees evil, by its own tendency. But the neuter or Sat, and the positive or Rajas energies go into the tent backwards from the front to the back and upward and inward- and they disturb not the Sacred Center. This describes their secret method of concentration for withdrawing the energies from the body, upward and inward, without disturbing the Prana or motor currents. This veiled Truth is told by the garments on their shoulders, used in meditation for going in backwards, from below upward, to draw up the sensory currents preparatory to Spiritual Transport.