I seize the opportunity of this introduction to present the sixth chakra or chakra of the third eye
The sixth Chakra or third eye, or Ajnâ-Chakra
Meaning: Knowing or ordering
Location: middle of the front
Color: Indigo
Element: None
Symbol: Lotus at 96 petals
Fundamental principle: Perception and conscious knowledge of the essence
Function: Intuition
Sensory function: All senses, also in the form of extra-sensory perception.
Endocrine gland: The pituitary has a secretory activity that exerts a stimulating function on all other glands. By these stimulus it harmonizes the glands.
Minerals: Lapis Lazuli, Indigo Sapphire, Azure, Labrador, silver, quartz crystal
Music Note: LA
Part of the body: the face, the eyes, the nose, the sinuses, the ears, the cerebellum, commander of the central nervous system.
This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead, just above the eyebrows. It is from him that intuition is transmitted to the lower chakras and to the mind. This is why Ajna is called the Third Eye, the eye of intuition.
The third eye is the seat of all awareness processes. We can create new realities on the physical plane as we dissolve old realities. In general, this process is automatic and takes place without our conscious intervention. Most of the thoughts determining our existence are directed by our emotional archetypes blocked or programmed by our own judgments and prejudices, as well as by those of others. Thus, the mind is not always the master, but rather the servant of our thoughts laden with emotions that we dominate only partially.
However, these thoughts come true, in the proper sense in our lives, for what we perceive and live is a manifestation of our subjective reality.
Thanks to the evolution of our consciousness and the gradual opening of the third eye, we are able to lead more and more this process. The indispensable knowledge comes to us in the form of intuition, clairvoyance or any other extra-sensory perceptions. So all that we had can be felt only very vaguely, becomes a clear and precise perception.
The sixth chakra is the link between our upper consciousness and the ego and between the upper cerebral faculties and the instinctive brain functions.
Bound to the mind, this chakra is represented with two petals that are connected to the right and left lobes of the pituitary and are also attached to the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The right hemisphere is the seat of intuition, the left is the seat of intelligence. Here takes place the celestial marriage of the sun and the moon, culminating in the opening of the third Eye and of the sixth Sense evolved. The three main Nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, Unite Here before ascending to the Crown chakra.