Seventh chakra or Crown Chakra or Sahasrâra-ChakraSeventh Chakra meaning: thousand times as much (thousand Petals Lotus)

Location: Top of the head (Brahmana opening)

Color: Violet

Element: Inner light, which is what one lives when one is deep within its being, as a point of consciousness shining with intelligence. Also called white Light. On the metaphysical level, it is considered to be the most subtle element from which the whole physical universe is created.

Symbol: Lotus with a thousand petals

Basic principle: pure Essence

Function: Spirituality

Sensory function

Endocrine gland: pineal (epiphysis)

Minerals: Amethyst, fluorite, gold, quartz crystal

Music Note: SI (B)

Part of the body: This chakra is associated with the top of the head, the brain and the whole nervous system.

Endocrine gland: pineal gland

Sense: sense of empathy, feel what another person lives as if you were inside her, as if you were her.

Consciousness: The coronal Chakra represents the area of our consciousness linked to the perceptions of unity or separation. Just as the root chakra showed our connection with Mother Earth, this chakra shows our relationship with our Father in heaven. It represents our connection with our biological father who becomes the model of our relationship with authority and ultimately with God. It’s the level of the soul.

When you feel a sense of separation from your father, you close the coronal chakra and you feel a sense of isolation and loneliness, as if you were in a shell, with a difficulty to feel the contact with the surrounding. Mental processes tend to justify and maintain the sense of loneliness.

This chakra is located at the top of the head, at the Fontanel. It represents the highest level of consciousness of a human being, it is the center of Enlightenment.

When Kundalini reaches this level, it no longer belongs to the field of animal or human consciousness, it is exclusively divine. This is the seat of pure consciousness. When Kundalini rises from the root chakra to Sahasrâra, energy and consciousness merge and Enlightenment emerges. Under the influence of the Ajna Chakra, the force generated by their union is then returned to its starting point through Sushumna, in order to allow us to experience paradise on Earth.

When the Crown Chakra begins to open, one is drawn to the mystical or occult teachings. At this stage of its development, one sometimes begins to glimpse the auras, to experience a sense of reverence and wonder in front of the beauty and immensity of creation. We also acquire an inner understanding of universal truths. When it is completely open, this chakra merges with the third eye Chakra to form the halo often depicted around the heads of the saints and enlightened beings.

There are no actual blockages in the seventh chakra. It is only more or less developed.

1) Harmonious operation: openness to divine energy, total access to the unconscious and subconscious.

2) Disharmonious functioning: Indecision, disappearance of the physical spark of joy.

3) Dysfunction: Brain diseases, migraines, endocrine disorders, psychological problems.

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