Let us therefore decided to persuade ourselves that we are people from below, apprentices capable of determined tasks. Our pettiness uniforms would be so admirable! Genius at the grand is replaced by vanity in the Small. Let’s face it that we need at least a little intelligence for lack of genius.

And let us resign ourselves to the humiliation of asking for alms from the rich brains of humanity from Above. And what do we measure to the standard of morality? Public houses, Official houses? Sloughs! The smartest, snipers boars in human forms, emerge with some glitter of GOLD. But the feeling of the beautiful we are lacking, we do not know User. And we have been a hundred years of greedy pleasures. Immoral, pedantic, proud!

Therefore, Fools and refractors, that’s what we are! Let us have the courage, the time has come, to denounce ourselves to ourselves. And on January 1, 1904, if we must still do something, instead of sowing the laurels on the unfounded manes of our forefathers, after having spent a century forgetting them, defile them, mocking us outrageously for their heroism; Instead of the purple and the flames, we will grieve from one end of the country to the other, as a testament to our remorse and, with the mouth against the ground, holding a piece of crepe for the bicolor flag, we will beg pardon to Dessalines, Toussaint, to Capois , to the whole immortal phalanx of our History.

Forgiveness for our ingratitude, for our slavery, despite them. I’m Sorry about our Follies. Pardon our perjury and our stagnation. And our cries will be more pleasing to these gods than the feasts of beasts, disloyal and scandalous, that reluctantly, by false modesty, we strive to prepare them. Not. I protest with all the strength of my soul. We will not celebrate, because in order to botch these feasts, being miserable, puny, penniless, we will still have to search the Peasant’s purse and make the people eat the last lean Cow.

We will not celebrate, because, while at the palace, in our sumptuous salons, we would empty the cup with golden wine and sing ivrogneusement the Holy Year 1804, this stripped peasant, this poor people could curse Him. And their curses would bring them out of the bosom of the Earth. Well then, a little shameless and work to get out of the debauchery of a whole century.

And if we please to start soon, 1904 will not be the feast of anything at all, but the first year of existence of a community of brave Negro people working modestly and morally to be a people. And the small Republic of Haiti can be an immensity in full Europe!

And the old continent will be concerned, in the year 2004, of the first centenary of the great freedom of the Haitian people!

You’re finally indignant!


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