Frederick Douglas ‘ speech on Haiti, considered as prophetic.

Haiti can be a force for the United States.

Now, despite this obvious possibility, it is a remarkable and deplorable fact that when Haiti is so close to us and so capable of being useful to us; While, like us, she tries to be a sister republic and is eager to have a government of the people, by the people and for the people; While she is one of our best customers, selling her coffee and other valuable products to Europe against gold and sending us her gold to buy our flour, our fish, our oil, our beef and our pork; As it enriches our merchants and our farmers and our country in general, it is the only country to which we turn our backs.

We accuse him of being friendlier towards France and other European countries than to us. This accusation, if true, has a natural explanation and the fault comes to us more than to Haiti. No one can report any act that we have posed to gain the respect and friendship of this black republic.

If, as is claimed, Haiti is more cordial to France than to the United States, it is partly because Haiti is itself French. His language is French; His literature is French, his manners and manners are French; His ambitions and aspirations are French; Its laws and modes of government are French; His clergy and his upbringing are French; His children will study in France and their minds are filled with French ideas and French glory.

But a deeper reason for the coldness between our countries is:

Haiti is black and we have not yet forgiven him for being, [applause] nor forgiven at the most high of having made it black. Applause Frederick Douglass 126

Our so touted civilization is far behind all other nations in terms of this sublime act of repentance and forgiveness. [Applause.]

In all other countries of the world, a citizen of Haiti is assured of civil treatment. [Applause.]

In all other nations, its sovereignty is recognized and accepted. [Applause.]

Wherever any other man can go, he can go. [Applause.]

It is not repelled, excluded or insulted because of its color. [Applause.]

All places of entertainment and teaching are open to him.


The situation is greatly different for him when he ventures within the borders of the United States. [Applause.] Moreover, after Haiti had shaken the chains of slavery, and

Long after his freedom and independence were recognized by all other civilized nations, we continued to refuse to recognize this fact and treated it as if it were outside the community of nations.

No one can forget any such treatment or refrain from

Experience resentment in one form or another. [Applause.]

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