
This is what Paul meant when he said: Recognize yourself as dead with regard to sin, but living towards God. “The difference lies in a clear knowledge and inspired knowledge. Clairvoyance intends to convey a clear vision but the commonly accepted meaning of this word is only a partial or misty vision-that of a part of reality.

10) Certain related phenomena may arise through clairvoyance and extrasensory listening, or to any of the five divisions of consciousness, but these can never represent the totality or lead to it.

Sometimes they are misleading, and an illusory manifestation leads us to an erroneous concept that I generally call a “negative concept”

On the other hand, when we merge with the all, we are never negative or in error. We accede to the clear knowledge, to the truth itself. It is impossible to attain this state of knowledge or this unique consciousness through clairvoyance or some form of hypnotism. All these techniques are detrimental to our spiritual development.

11) In this higher sense, all the senses fuse together. They become one in perfect coordination. Our senses unite; each part and every cell of our body joins and vibrates in unison. But a serious problem arises: If a part of our body vibrates in the wrong field, the new cells do not properly connect to the organ to which they belong. Each cell created represents the organ to which it will bind.

If it comes out of its field, it can bind to the wrong organ, and then appears a discordant condition.

12) This unconformity is often gravely amplified when in occultism one concentrates on certain senses and physical organs. These practices only superimpose a hypnotic state more clearly in the manifest form, and the result is greater confusion. First of all, hypnosis is only a function of a partial consciousness, or a consciousness specialized in a particular form or direction.

Therefore, the more diversified the field, the more compartmentalized the consciousness, and the more hypnotic it becomes. And the fact of deliberately working in subdivisions and phases of consciousness exerts a totally hypnotic influence. Our attention should always be directed towards all, towards complete uniqueness.

The distribution of vibratory energy would be performed through the mechanism of consciousness exactly as it does automatically in the body. A perfect synchronization or harmony would then reign throughout the body

13) The idea that there is an inner consciousness and an external consciousness is also a symptom of hypnotism, because this theory imposes a sense of separation. In reality, there is no division between inner consciousness and external consciousness, nor between personal consciousness and universal consciousness. When the self becomes conscious in the outside world, it is only an attitude of consciousness; It is complete on all planes and only makes one in and with universal consciousness. My father and I only have one.

14) Then we are no longer conscious of an inner world, for inside and outside are one. The whole thing is always obvious. If we see and project our vision or our ideal, it is in order to achieve this complete completeness. The Masters call this State “the deep mind”, or the deep consciousness. The body is also perfectly healthy and perfectly complete. Whoever knows and the known thing become one.

Paul expressed this idea in his writings but was never present in the translations. We can guess the known as well as the one who knows, if we assemble both.

The difficulty stems from the fact that we are separating a separation, while there is none in reality

15) Some are practicing denial to be liberated effectively and rise to this state of perfection. This method should also be examined in a critical eye. Denial is supposed to erase from the mind or nullify the consciousness, hence the human being, an experience or process that is not authentic, or that is seemingly opposed to its perfect state of completeness or uniqueness. However, is denial, as it is usually practiced, an effective means of achieving Liberation? If this process, as it is commonly used, produces the desired result, then perfect if not, we need to find out what it hides and what practice we need.

16) Take the specific case of denial in respect of the so-called heredity law; Here, this denial is absolutely not necessary. It always tends to push us deeper into the illusion because it blocks the mind on a condition and is therefore more likely to intensify it. The mind naturally leans over the condition to which it is directed. The objective is that the condition be completely eliminated and, for this to happen, this condition should no longer be taken into consideration. It must be totally rejected.

17) In reality, the law of heredity does not exist. This is just a decoy. There is no need to deny something that does not exist. It is much more useful to replace denial with perfection. You will then get faster results because, usually, denial blocks the individual. Repeated experiments have shown that it is much better to simply abandon a State. Deliver it entirely by paying no attention to it. Throw it back. It was the meaning of Jesus ‘ words when he said, “free him and let him go.”

18) Heredity does not exist, neither racial heredity nor family heredity. Men may look alike, but it is always because there has been a relationship or similarity between their experience and their environment in the past. Chromosomes have an apparent condition that shows parallel evolutionary processes, of course, they develop parallel to those of the human species and the Animal Kingdom, at a very different frequency. It is well known today that all frequencies of the human body are greater than those of animals. The mind can influence the transmission of acquired characters, but it can also be cancelled through a reversal of thought.

19) It is a disposition of the mind that determines the characteristics of a form: the similarity of the forms comes from the similarity of the mental and emotional experiences of individuals belonging to a group.

Two people, who are hardly alike at the outset, develop similar characteristics in the long term, if they collaborate for a long time and have the same general, mental and emotional reactions.

A man and a woman who live together for many years, if they have emotional reactions and common interests, end up looking alike.

This phenomenon translates similar mental States.

20) Nowadays, medical science contradicts its previous theories about hereditary diseases. When Jesus treated an epileptic, his disciples wanted to know whether the man or his parents had sinned. And Christ replied: “neither he nor his parents have sinned, but it is so that the works of God are manifested in him.”

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