TOYNBEE: You mentioned the danger of our falling into a whirlpool of destruction. To amplify somewhat on that point, I might say that it seems as if mankind may suddenly wake up to a realization of the truth that the greed of the rich, working together with the increasing numbers of the poor and with anarchy in international relations, threatens the whole world with imminent disaster.
I suspect that a worldwide totalitarian movement of the communist-fascist kind may overthrow existing institutions-such as local sovereignty, political democracy, economic private free enterprise-and that at the eleventh hour, some such totalitarian movement will stabilize human affairs by taking drastic actions in which indispensable fundamental reforms will be intertwined with atrocious acts of injustice. This worldwide revolutionary movement may take the form of a global politico-religious organization that will produce a new ideology of its own. The chief plank of the global party platform will probably be stabilization in all departments of life at any price. When this revolutionary work has been accomplished under the leadership of a ruthless world dictator, I suspect that a reaction will take place and that the necessary stabilization will be remodeled into a milder and therefore more durable form. This will be accomplished by a second world dictator who will be more tactful in his actions because he will have learned by experience that his predecessor’s ruthlessness turned out to be counterproductive.

(If that is so, I hope to be on my way to my eternal home than) FR

IKEDA: Your forecast is both bold and disturbing. I constantly pray that a totalitarian government that tramples on the freedom of the individual may never rise again. Please explain in more detail the oasis on which you make this estimation of the future.

TOYNBEE: Although I could give many more illustrations of my point, in fact I have In mind three cases taken from Japanese, Chinese, and Roman history. Tokugawa leyasu, who followed Toyotomi Hideyoshl, established the long-lived Tokugawa regime. Ch’in Shih Huang-ti founded the Imperial Ch’in, which lasted a brief fourteen years (221-207 B.C.), His successor, Han Liu Pang, how James ever, created a Chinese Imperial regime that lasted, on and off. for more than twenty-one centuries. Similarly, Augustus, who followed Julius Caesar, established a Roman Imperial system that lasted from 31 B.C. until A.D. 284 in its original form and in a more autocratic form at Constantinople till A.D. 1204.
In all three of these cases, even the more moderate imperial regimes that followed the drastic Initial ones sometimes and to some extent, exerclsed thelr powers unjustly and oppressively, though, on an average, they were lesser evils than any possible oternative in the particular circumstances of their times and places.

(History repeats itself? I think human beings are clever than that , they should use their intuitive power instead of the logical which is not that makes them a bigger greater animal than becoming a god that is the aim of human existence, if INTUITION was given the upper hand)FR

IKEDA: I can believe that the collapse of human society could lead to the establishment of a worldwide dictatorship. Though obviously social questions are important, the true cause of abuse of power lies in the evil that-like good-is a basic element in human life. Consequently, throughout our search for peace and happiness, the problem of abuse of power may persist, even if all others are solved.

Everyone should then hold and use their power for their own good instead of transferring to any group of people? FR

TOYNBEE: I agree that the essential evil of power is an innate tendency in human nature and that we must search for means of mitigating this evil. I believe that the only effective means is the subordination of egotism or greed to altruism or love in the conduct of individuals. In other words, self-mastery is the only way to happiness for the individual and for all humanity.

That is it .

IKEDA: Realizing and putting into practice the means you describe are the major issues facing mankind today. The first essential is basic self-awareness and self-mastery on the part of the individual human being. But we must strive to channel our thoughts about all of society in the same direction. A human revolution is needed to produce both individuals and a society in which altruism is the prevailing spirit. To prevent that revolution from resulting in a totalitarianism that would infringe on the dignity of the individual, we must ensure that it is based on a philosophy and a religion that have the power to convince all people. In addition, we must make certain that this philosophy is born of the spontaneous awaking of each person.

Finally, we get to the point
Religion Religion Religion.

Religion is not the adherence in a particular sect or cult, it is: The Realization of who we really are.
God dwelling in bodies.

Frantz Rimpel



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