While everyone knows the following biblical phrases; “Not a leaf falls without him knowing it: Quran: 6:59″
And the Bible to add: Luke 12:4-7
4 I say to you who are my friends: Do not fear those who kill the body and who, after that, cannot do anything more.
5 I will show you who you must fear. Fear the one who, after killing, has the power to throw into the Gehenna; yes, I tell you, he is the one you must fear.
6 Aren’t we selling five smugglers for two cents? However, none of them is forgotten before God.
7 And even the hair of your head is all counted. So, don’t worry: you’re worth more than a lot of passers-by.
Now comes the time when we should realize that our existence hangs by a thread. Bickering for anything is just a waste of time.
Everything is ephemeral down here.
Based on the philosophy of the Masters of Sant Mat (The path of the Saints)
Here are basically the different forms of dissolution or end of the world that each soul must incur individually.
Salvation is an individual quest. Bible
In the literal sense, time or death; the ruler of the three worlds, the true sevadar (the one who does service) who administers justice strictly
according to the law of karma under the orders of the Lord also known as Brahm.
(The Satan) that Christians lambast
Like all workers who don’t like their Supervisors.
The domain of Kal (Time) extends throughout creation to Trikuti, (first spiritual region), which includes the physical, astral and causal worlds and is destroyed at the time of dissolution (Pralaya). Kal’s influence (like Maha Kal or Grand Kal) extends to Maha Sunn, which is destroyed in a Great Dissolution (Maha Pralaya), an event that occurs after several Dissolutions.
Dissolution and great dissolution are the processes by which the creative power, The Word, is removed from creation and manifest creation is dissolved. (Pralaya) completes the creation up to the level of the second inland region.
The Great Dissolution (Maha Pralaya) completes the creation up to the level of the fourth inner region inclusively.
Sach Khand, the fifth interior region, is not affected by the dissolution.
And for every soul that leaves this world in catastrophic conditions, it is the end of the world for them.
I’ll close with this video; you’ll appreciate fir what it worth .