At a Q&A meeting

As always, people come to ask the Master all kinds of things. Of course in these sessions, the main motivation is spirituality.

Since everyone who comes already knows they are going to someone whose job is to awaken sleeping souls and guide them out of the world:

This lady starts by saying to Him:

I am your unworthy daughter.

Answer :

No but, tell me who is worthy?

If we were worthy enough, would we be sitting here?

Why would we judge ourselves?

She continued  :

I am very unworthy, please help me meditate.

Answer :

Listen, there are some things we have to do ourselves.

Now can someone eat food for us?

We have to eat our own, so no one can meditate for us.


I know I have to do it, but shower me with your grace so I can do it.

Answer :

There are no ifs and buts in this matter, you have to do it, that’s all!

Instill this in your mind – “I have to sit down every day!”

And she continues:

Q: Please grant my children good judgment.

A: You will grant them wisdom only when you create the right atmosphere in your home and have practical insight.

So do these things yourself first, then think about the kids.

The Master has already detected that it is the weakness of the parents in the house which does not work in favor of the children.

Again, when a woman speaks of her children, she also means her husband.

Children have been bestowed to us in the same way that we send our clothes to the laundromat and dry cleaners to pick up good wrinkles, not those of others or even those of society at large who play their own role, providing that we do our duty properly so that they could meet us in our  prerogatives.

When we start blaming society, which is sometimes perceived as the devil, that is why we have recourse to God, asking Him to fulfill our duties in our place.

It’s like the parable of the talents.

That instead of putting ourselves to work to make them bear fruits in order to bring the benefits collected to God, we prefer to harangue Him all the time, asking Him to change our situation, because we look on the results of others who have managed to work diligently and prosper.

That us why our pleas do not echo anywhere.

We had rather be given glory to our God for what He gives us every day which is called: THE PRESENT. 🎁

Many times, we do not even know how to untie the knot of this present in order to see that everything we need for each day is already there.

This is the goal of meditation 🧘‍♀️, which gives us the feeling of déjà vue, already heard, when we have taken the good habit.

It is the famous :  “Give us this day our daily bread. » that we repeat in our prayer 🙏.

The  Good Shepherds insist so much on MEDITATION, because it transcends everything.

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