So BOOM, here it is, now – ALL OF THIS!

NDW-There is no beginning or end to this. It simply IS

God-It is within oneness that your experience lies – and your greatest secret. You can move in consciousness within the Being towards any “time” or “place” of your choice.

NDW- You mean we can travel in time?

God-Indeed, and many of you have. In fact, you’ve all done it – and you do it regularly, usually in what you call your dream state.
Most of you are not aware of this. You cannot retain consciousness. But the energy sticks to you like glue, and sometimes there is enough residue that others, sensitive to that energy, can pick up information about you.
“past” or your “future”. They feel or “read” this residue, and you call them clairvoyants and mediums. Sometimes there is enough residue that even you, in your limited consciousness, are aware that you have “been here before.” » Your entire being is suddenly shaken by the realization that you have “already done it all”!


Or that wonderful feeling when you meet someone you’ve known forever, forever!

It’s a spectacular feeling. It’s a wonderful feeling. And it’s a real feeling. You have known this soul forever!

Forever is now!

So, you have often looked up, or looked down, from your “piece of paper” on the spindle, and seen all the other pieces! And you saw yourself there because a part of You is on each piece!

NDW- How is this possible?

God-I tell you this: you always have been, you are now and you always will be. There has never been a time when you are not – and there will never be such a time.

NDW-But wait! What about the concept of old souls! Aren’t some souls “older” than others?

God-Nothing is “older” than everything.
I created it ALL AT ONCE, and it all exists now.
The experience of “older” and “younger” that you refer to has to do with the levels of consciousness of a particular soul, or Aspect of Being. You are all aspects of being, simply parts of what is. Each part contains the consciousness of the Whole. Each element bears the imprint.
“Consciousness” is the experience of awakening this consciousness.
The individual aspect of the WHOLE becomes aware of itself. It becomes, literally, self-aware.
Then, gradually, he becomes aware of all the others, then of the fact that there are no others and that all is One.
Then, finally, from Me. Magnificent me!
NDW-Boy, you really love each other, don’t you?
Is not it ?
Yes yes! I think you’re awesome!
I agree. And I think you’re awesome! This is the only place where you and I disagree. Don’t you think you’re awesome!
NDW- How can I consider myself great when I see all my weaknesses, all my errors, all my evil?
God- I tell you: there is no evil!
NDW- I wish that could be true.
You are perfect, just as you are.
NDW- I wish that could be true too.
God-It’s true! A tree is no less perfect because it is a seedling. A little baby is no less perfect than an adult. It is perfection itself. Because he can’t do anything, because he doesn’t know anything, that doesn’t make him any less perfect.
A child makes mistakes. He stands upright. He trots. He falls. He gets up, a little wobbly, clinging to his mother’s leg. Does this make the child imperfect?
I tell you it’s quite the opposite! This child is perfection itself, utterly adorable. And you too.
NDW- But the child did nothing wrong! The child consciously disobeyed, hurt others, injured himself.
God-The child does not distinguish good from evil. Precisely.
You neither.
NDW- But I do. I know it’s wrong to kill people and it’s right to love them. I know it’s wrong to hurt and right to heal, to make things better. I know it’s wrong to take what doesn’t belong to me, to use someone else, to be dishonest.
I could show you cases where each of these “wrongs” would be justified.
God-You are playing with me now.
NDW- Not at all. Just be factual.
QNDW–If you say there are exceptions to every rule, then I agree.
God-If there are exceptions to a rule, then it is not a rule.
NDW- Are you telling me that it is not wrong to kill, to injure, to take from others?
God- It depends on what you’re trying to do.
NDW- Okay, okay, I understand. But that doesn’t make these things good. Sometimes you have to do bad things to get to a good end.
God-That doesn’t make them “bad things” at all, does it? They are only means to an end.
NDW- Are you saying that the end justifies the means?
NDW-What do you think?
Absolutely not.
NDW-So be it.

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