The Divine and Demoniac Natures

Following some exchanges made with some friends after this vignette attributed to Haile Selassie , which is self-explanatory but the explanations I gave raised quite a few interesting questions that the Bagavad Gita fortunately comes to my rescue.

in fig 1 below 👇🏿 

My explanations and answers to the queries are as follows:

  1. He is so right!

  2. Since every nation is crossed by a kind of ancestral tradition that it must transcend, a kind of philosophy and science will come into play until people realize the futility of certain rituals and rites that they call religion, when they will discover that all manifestations of the invisible are events that are inferior to them, which do not deserve too much attention, and are rather obstacles or barriers to their spiritual growth. However, this will lead them to attain true religion, that is, fusion with the Almighty God. ‎

  3. The Bible mentioned the tradition that people are not supposed to do and their consequences so much so that the 10 commandments were made to go against them.

    Since human beings are hard to cook in whatever is good for them. They want to experiment their own creative abilities even when suffering is the outcome. They sense that God would never let them down.

    Later we find how the Lord Eternal was vehemently opposed to prayers and other rituals in these words:

    Listen to what he said.

    10 Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom! Give ear to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah!

    11 What have I to do with the multitude of your sacrifices? says the Lord. I am satisfied with the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of calves; I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, of sheep, and of goats. 12 When you come to appear before me, who has asked you to defile my courts?

    13 Stop bringing vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me; new moons, sabbaths, and assemblies; I cannot see iniquity associated with solemnities.

    14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they are a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them.

    15 When you spread out your hands, I hide my eyes from you; when you make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.

    16 Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do iniquity.

    17 Learn to do good, seek justice, relieve the oppressed; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.

    18 Come, and let us reason together, declares the LORD. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

    I think this explains why I spoke of lower entities that gave us satisfaction, but it is the same with parents who accept that children do things up to a certain age, but later castigate them for very little.

    Men need to grow in age and wisdom, and it seems that the world offers this bridge that seems natural.

  4. Yes, true religion is reunification with God, RELIGARE. We call our dogmas religions, of course, theoretically they help us to seek ourselves, but, when we find the truth that we are spiritual beings  coming to the world to live experiences and to seek our way back to our original home, realizing also that we are a drop or spark of Almighty God, having the same qualities as Him, that our purpose is to get rid of all the dross that we have accumulated in the world in our search for the Light of the Lord to which we must return, this is why all the living guides who have welcomed us into their flock will ask us to adopt new habits and to detach ourselves from family, friends and all the bad habits that we took for granted, detachments that we consider sacrifices.

    That is why the Bible says: Many will be called, but few will be chosen.


  1. It is with pleasure that I receive these “pearls” that are embedded in this text. Every human being is always in search of well-being in whatever form. Education and re-education are necessary to successfully complete this objective which I think is necessary. We often forget or are unaware that the force and power are within us. Unfortunately, the vagaries of life often lead us to look outside of ourselves and thus allow ourselves to be drawn body and soul into dark spheres that engulf us further in an invisible prison rather than freeing us. Let us be guided by these beautiful words of this text and inevitably the true spiritual path will widen before you. Thank you my friend for this text which I think will inspire anyone wishing to improve spiritually

    1. I have just replied to a friend to whom I was explaining the Meaning of Guru, and I am delighted to see that what I told her can serve as a response to your comment: as follows:

      “We are all lights that do not know how and when to shine. We are caught in the labyrinth of negative power and darkness surrounds us on all sides, that is why a Guru comes into the world to save those who begin to understand that this is not their normal nature and are ready to come out.
      The Master himself does not choose his disciples, he only finds those who are marked by the Lord who alone knows who are fully ready to return home after wanderings.
      This is what this text brings out which you have understood very clearly. Detachment and surrender to a power that is always available in the world to show them the way back home.”

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