First Vishnu returned to his mother and told her his story: “I did not see my father’s feet. With the fire of Shesh Nag’s poison, my body became black. I was upset and came back. I have not had the darshan of my father.” Hearing this, Adhya was very happy.

She lovingly called Vishnu near her and caressed him.

She embraced him and keeping her hand on his head in blessing, she said, “My son, you have told me the truth.” Dhururn Das said to Kabir, My doubt has been dispelled; O my Lord, now tell me about Brahma. Did he have the darshan of his father’s head or did he also return disappointed?


You have told me the story of the day when Rrahma went to see his father.

Did he meet his father or not? Did he have his darshan or not?

O my Satguru, tell me all these, explaining them to me one by one. Understanding me as Your servant, shed light on this matter.

Do not hide anything from me. My Lord, I am your servant, please make my birth successful: tell me what happened next.” The story of Brahma’s search for his father Kabir said to Dharan Das: Dharam Das, you are very dear to me. Understand my teachings and keep them with determination in your heart. It did not take long for Brahma to reach there, because he wanted his father’s darshan. He reached the place where there is neither sun nor moon – there is only Emptiness. In many ways he prayed, and then he contemplated the Light. In this way many days passed, but he still did not have his father’s darshan. He wasted four yugas in contemplating the Emptiness, but he still did not have his father’s darshan.

Adhya Worries for Brahma Brahma did not have his father’s darshan; meditating on the Void, many yugas passed. His mother worried in her heart: “Where is my eldest son, Brahma? How can I continue to create? When will he return?” The Creation of Gayatri By scrubbing her body, the mother removed the dirt and created the form of a daughter.

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