The Satguru said: O Dharam Das, listen to the attributes of woman:
I will make you understand all this.
When there is a girl in the family, she is brought up with many amenities: her food, clothing and bedding are provided. But everyone considers her as an outsider. After performing the ceremonies with love, she is forced to go away with her husband. When the girl goes to her husband’s house, she is dyed in the colours of her husband. She forgets her mother and father: Dharam Das, such is the quality of woman. That is why Adhya also became an outsider, and she, the Bhavani, became a part of Kal. That is why she did not manifest Sat Purush and showed the form of Kal to Vishnu.
In light of what has just been said above, I understand why Hindus and Muslim peoples have adopted this practice.
While in the Bible it is the opposite that is advocated, it is the man who leaves his father and mother to attach himself to his wife and his wife’s family.
My remark is: In both cases, it is the woman who always has a hostile reaction.
In the Christian world, for the most part, it is the man’s mother who acts in an aggressive, violent, hostile and hypocritical way.
This is so that her son keeps full power over his wife and does not forget his parents.
In the other case, it is already a given, but the girl’s mother reacts the same way.
On all sides, the mother is the one who maintains the great power.😇
Do you still want a more matriarchal society?
This also leads us to understand why Jesus said:
No one has ever seen God, the only Son who is in the bosom of the Father is the one who made him known.
Fortunately this only son is always present in the world to make known to us the existence of the Father, and helps us to perfect ourselves so as to return to His bosom as well.
The true Religion, RELIGARE.