Prompted by a friend who made the following remark in a discussion we were having on concerning reincarnation and the involvement of souls from other planets on earth, here is in substance what she wrote:

There is also our DNA that has been kidnapped and modified so that we can no longer recognize who we are. This is exactly what is happening. We are in a zombified sleep, in a lethargic state that makes us deaf and mute.”

I had no trouble finding a positive answer that the referenced text below had already discussed at length, while refocusing the ball, thus putting each player in their place as follows:

Yes! I agree with her, but it is a deliberate and personal choice that each one has made and continues to make.

The day before yesterday, I was watching the video of a woman who was preparing a huge quarter of beef, and was making a stew with the head including the horns of an ox that would serve as broth in which she added other vegetables and potatoes.

See following link:

And here I consider myself, a cordon bleu who turned vegetarian, I had to watch to see how irreducible man is. This made the mouths of the other viewers who were watching this woman watering , not me, because fortunately, it has been a very long time since I have eaten meat-based food, I no longer let myself be guided by my senses, my palate is trained to be satisfied with other healthier things that do not corrupt my body, in order to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. All this to say that:

The blood 🩸 which is considered as what makes all meat good and pleasant to eat, despite all the forms of cooking that we make a meat undergo the blood does not disappear, on the contrary, it 🩸 coagulates while waiting for the digestive system whose role is to distribute (proteins and other nutrients) to do its job, by sending the elements considered essential to all areas of the body, and this will not spare the DNA, since animals also have their blood groups, as Adamic human beings like us men whose blood (Adam or Edom which means RED) is the fuel that allows the body, the vehicle that transports the soul to function well, and each group of vehicle or body has a particular engine that runs on a specific type of fuel.
Man knows how to maintain his car, his generator, his plane, his boat, but he does not care about what happens to his body, which he considers as a dumping ground where all sorts of impurities could be mixed.

With all that is said above, I would conclude that at the root of all cancers is the blood 🩸that becomes uncultivated.

Here as promised is the text that explains in more detail what this precious liquid is, of which here is an extract followed by the full text:

This extract will allow us to understand that man has embarked on perilous adventures himself, thus creating all the miseries of the world that if these so-called sons of God had not been introduced into the human world, man would keep his authenticity and everything would be just and perfect.

Here is the excerpt:

“Each blood type has a unique story and a distinct path to spiritual awakening and understanding. As we journey into these mystical realms, we realize that our blood types can be more than just genetic markers; they are windows into our inner selves, keys to unlocking our spiritual potential, and bridges to understanding our place in the grand scheme of the universe. By sharing our stories, experiences, and insights, we create a community of shared wisdom, a space where we can all learn, grow, and discover together. I want individual journeys to be essential chapters in this grand cosmic narrative, illuminating the infinite possibilities of our spiritual paths.”

By: Dolores Cannon.

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