Thanks to science, superstition will disappear in the life of man who will give the upper hand to spirituality. In our hands are written our destiny, pasts and present, respectively in our left and right hand. You will notice that I wrote (pasts) in plural, because the left hand is the place where all… Continue reading Where Science meets Spirituality.
I’m not at my first attempt on Africa, but I can’t help reacting to the following video that a friend sent me which deserves special consideration. 👇🏿 IMG_0601 We may discourse, revolt, philosophize, but that will not change the cosmic order. A white person or any other color that we are blaming is none other… Continue reading AFRICA, THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY
At a Q&A meeting As always, people come to ask the Master all kinds of things. Of course in these sessions, the main motivation is spirituality. Since everyone who comes already knows they are going to someone whose job is to awaken sleeping souls and guide them out of the world: This lady starts by… Continue reading THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDITATION
Medical Doctor and Politics
🧏🏻♂️ *Kundalini, arise!!!*📈 🌟 The forbidden fruit in the Bible is your pineal gland because once you open your third eye chakra, you become like God. The serpent is the kundalini and the tree is your spine. The Garden of Eden is your nervous system in your body. The apple, the snake, the tree and… Continue reading Medical Doctor and Politics
Note to my readers
Dear readers, Google has reported to me that most of you do not read every page of the text. I do not think it is for lack of interest, but rather how to navigate the pages. I am happy to report that from now on, a pointer has been added to tell you to go… Continue reading Note to my readers
The Earth, how it was born.
After listening to that little video, I found it necessary to put my two cents in this so that my followers should know how to use such information which are philosophico/scientific that has no relevance with the reality. IMG_7951 We are never alone on this earth, those we call our ancestors should instead be called:… Continue reading The Earth, how it was born.
Know yourself, and know yourself well before acting as a connoisseur. We must begin by knowing why we have received such situations; Son native country, his parents, his social and economic situation. All of this should form the basis of our knowledge of who we are. The Bible spoke of the 12 Tribes of Israel,… Continue reading KNOW YOURSELF AND WELL
Please view the following video and make your own conclusions. Vidéo : IMG_6300 Scary enough. Huh 🤔 The Bible never lies, we have not been prepared for this time which necessitated that we transcend our mind , so as not to be prone to get caught up in this Luciferins time. We made fun chasing… Continue reading MANY SPÉCULATIONS, BE ON YOUR GUARDS
Politics_a science poorly applied in Haiti
I am speechless, after watching this report: I had no idea at my age I was going to have such an experience, a kind of repetition, but, worse than what I had lived 56 years ago. Delmas 3 Reception Center Click here ⇓ ⇓ video IMG_5977 I was in boarding school when I was 10… Continue reading Politics_a science poorly applied in Haiti
We have the example of the Egyptians and the Israelis. From the beginning of the world, there have always been wars between men, if not, epidemics and natural disasters would emerge. Peace negotiations, cures, have always been sought. We then arrive at this unfortunate conclusion that; the world is thus conceived. Men must always be… Continue reading SUPREMACY, ITS ORIGIN.